Lacrosse Game | Teen Ink

Lacrosse Game

September 26, 2018
By Anonymous

I was 14 years old in 9th grade when I first played lacrosse. One day we were on our way to our last lacrosse game of the last season. Every game we had a special song that we listen to which is called, “Eye of a Tiger”. The song keeps us motivated. We have smiles on our faces and have laughter, half of the time we say things about the other teams after the game. The song tells us all tothat, “Never give up and always work our hardest”.

After our last game we lost by one point but that’s ok we still tried. I was always either defensedefence or attack. Defence is a position where you try to block the person from getting the ball from going in the net and there is part of the field that you can’t pass., Attack is when you are on their side of the field and you attack for the ball to get on your side and you can only go until the middle line., and  Mid field is where you are doing both things attack and defence and you can go both sides of the field. Everytime I’m on defense I would always try to get the ball from going into the net. When I was going for the ball number 12 hit me in the face with her stick. Number 12 pushed me to the ground and accidently hit me in the face. I was at least laying down for 5 minutes. Everyone was worried but I was ok I just had a bruise on the corner of my eye. After everything happening the game was over.

We got on the bus and went out to eat at a pizza place in Concord. Everyone got two slices of pizza and some pasta, if we wanted it. While we were eating the coaches took pictures of us and some videos of a lot of us laughing at nothing and just smiling.  

On our way home from eating we all were talking about having a sleepover for one last time, all together before the season was over as a team. It was about 11:30 pm when we got home from the game. Before we got off the bus the coaches were telling us about how good this season was and how well we did. When we got off the bus the coaches were the first ones off then we all got sprayed by water guns by our managers Steven and Brady. We all knew it was coming because there was a game where if you got sprayed by a water gun you were out but everyone had a water gun to play. You had to be spotted first for you to spray them.

This season was my last day of lacrosse and for being part of one of my school's sports teams. My team meant everything to me., They were always there when I was in trouble and one time when I was in the hospital they were thereir to support me. and Eevery girl on the team brought me something and I was very thankful for that and them being there for me every second. I can never forget my Freshman year.

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