Tough Act to Follow | Teen Ink

Tough Act to Follow

April 7, 2014
By Anonymous

“Shirley probably the happiest person in the world.” Shirley is my grandma that I never got to meet. My mom and other family members tell me how much I'm like her and how they wish I could have met her. My mom tells me she was always happy. Even in horrible times she had a positive outlook on the situation, even though she had all the reason to not be happy.

In August, of 1990 she was diagnosed with breast cancer. “It was devastating to her and the rest of the family.” Despite her diagnosis of cancer she kept her positive attitude. My granddad said, “Her positive attitude made him believe she would be okay and get through it.” During her treatments and surgeries she kept her faith and told everyone she would be alright.

Besides her cancer my grandma, Shirley, had a positive impacts on her community and people around her. “My mom was constantly waving to people, even if she didn't know them.” She also started the personal touch program at the hospital she worked at. This was to improve the care and how much attention the family and kids got at the hospital. She was the kind of person that would walk into the room and make the room light up.

Shirleys positive attitude was an inspiration for my mom to act the same way. “I try to follow her attitude- its hard!” My moms right its very hard to do what my grandmother did. I try just like my mom and her mom to keep my attitude up. Its not easy keeping a positive outlook on everything and everyone. Its easy to judge others and be mean to them. What my grandma did and what I have to try to do is be happy no matter what happened you try to keep your outlook up. Even if that means getting over how rude someone is to you or how bad the situation is.

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