Working Hard Gains Success | Teen Ink

Working Hard Gains Success

April 7, 2014
By Cole0529 BRONZE, Durham, North Carolina
Cole0529 BRONZE, Durham, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We all have that one person that impacts us. Scott is my feature person. He is a successful and professional person and businessman. He works hard and influences other to work hard as well. He is the kind of person that you would want him to work for. If it’s not right then he will make it right. His parents told him to work hard if he wants to have a good life. He embraced that and really wanted it.

“ Scott works hard and he is successful.” My mom said about my dad. She knows that he won’t give up on any opportunity. He wants to do his best in all he does. If you are successful then you will have a good life she says. If you aren’t successful then you won’t have a good life and you’ll need help for a lot of things. Overall she think that he works really hard.

“ I’ve seen my dad influence my little brother with basketball.” My sister says. She has seen him influence me to get better in basketball because she and my dad know that I am getting better and will get better. He wants me to be successful in basketball and he knows that I can do that. When he was with my family he would come outside with me and practice with me just about everyday. He just wants me to have fun and be competitive to survive in basketball.

“ He is a successful business man and a successful leader.” My sister says. He works everyday with no time off. He doesn’t give up on anything. He can keep a family together and he keeps them well taken care of.

I think my dad has a big legacy. A bigger impact on me since I am his only son. He wants me to be successful just like he is. He has worked hard everyday since he has been working since college. He stresses that to me everytime I see him and I see him just about every month. He has influenced everybody in my family to work hard because that is what he believes in. He believes that if you work hard then you will have a good life.

The author's comments:
I interviewed people in my family about my dad to have him as a subject in my feature article.

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