Better Opportunities | Teen Ink

Better Opportunities

April 2, 2013
By Jorling Sarria BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Jorling Sarria BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I was born in Puerto Rico and afte a while living there we decided to to move to philadelphia because in our home land there was to much violence and also to much killing certification is one of the first accomplishments an employer notices on a resume (O'Tooles). It provides a benchmark, or a means, to measure a person’s skills. It can set an individual apart from other potential candidates who may be vying for a similar advancement or position. Although nothing guarantees job security, certification helps give the IT professional an edge over employees without certification.

Certification demonstrates the mastery of a skill set and knowledge base in a specific IT area. It is a personal achievement that adds credibility among peers and employers. Certification also authorizes the certificate holder to use the product’s official logo or symbol on personal items, such as business cards and Web pages.

Numerous salary surveys show that certification helps influence pay increases. A recent survey reported that 51 percent of the respondents had a salary increase due to certification. In addition, individuals with more than one area of certification can command even higher salaries, according to Shelly and Cash man (Benefits of Certification). Companies often pay a bonus as an incentive for certification.

The use of computers and the demand for computer professionals continue to grow. By becoming certified in an IT area, you and your employer both will enjoy the benefits.


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