May 19, 2010
By Super man SILVER, Noodle, Wisconsin
Super man SILVER, Noodle, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 5 comments

The High School Cafeteria was last renovated in 1997, since then the school cafeteria is getting worse and worse looking. Over the last couple years the school has lost money because the kids don’t eat in the cafeteria. This project is going to change that. According to Mr. Pilnick the high school cafeteria will somewhat resemble a college one. The goal of this project is to get more kids to eat the food of the cafeteria and also get people to hang out in the cafeteria. This new cafeteria will seat about twice as many people and have electrical outlets to charge your phone or iPod or computer. There is also a patio being build that extends into the courtyard. There will be more healthy choices in the cafeteria as well as maybe some different companies serving there. This cafeteria will cost roughly 1.5 million dollars and cost the tax payers nothing. This money is coming from the capital reserve which is used for large projects. There might be plasma screen televisions in the cafeteria for watching movies and sports games. This is going to be a very new, big, and updated cafeteria in which every one will eat in.

There will be new and more efficient ovens, grills, and there might even be computers in the cafeteria. Mr. Pilnick stated that there might be a counter top where the kids can put your computers to work on and to charge them with outlets that will be right under the counter tops. By law there must be a School Lunch program provided for all schools and Mr. Pilnick wants to make ours better. In the new cafeteria there will be much healthier foods.

By May 2011 if the new high school cafeteria is renovated and it will end after the summer, if the bill is passed in November then all of this will take place. The odds of the bill being passed is positive because this money cannot be used for textbooks or anything like that, it has to be used for a big project and it will not cost the tax payer’s any money because this money is part of the capital reserve and the majority of the money is coming from the money we got back from the Tassone scandal.

The author's comments:
This is not important at all


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