Crazier Than Being a Nurse | Teen Ink

Crazier Than Being a Nurse

January 9, 2010
By lil_bit27 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
lil_bit27 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Oh, the world would be something new if they noticed a thing or two." - Horton the Elephant, Seussical.

She may be only 15 years old, but Brittney has big plans for the future. While there are plenty of people aspiring to become doctors, teachers, or lawyers, Brittney has something else in mind: a fashion designer.

Brittney has set high standards for herself. She plans on attending college in either California or New York.

“That’s where all the real schools are,” she says. She has her eye set particularly on the Art Institute of Fashion in New York City – every artist’s dream. The only downside is the cost. Most clothing stores won’t hire a sophomore in high school, but Brittney still saves every penny she earns.

“Because my mom doesn’t believe in me. She says fashion can’t be a career, but I’ll prove her wrong someday.”

Brittney discovered her passion last year when her uncle bought her a sewing machine for Christmas. He thought every girl would love to take up sewing as a hobby. But for Brittney, it became
much more.

“I get cheap clothes from Walmart or Goodwill and bedazzle them with patches or jewels or anything from the art aisles,” she says.

So every spare moment she has is spent in her living room, patching up plain clothing and “bedazzling” t-shirts for her friends.

“People stare at me now because I’m not like everyone else,” says Brittney. “I wear what I think
is cool, not what everyone else thinks is cool. And I’m okay with that.”

If we looked into Brittney’s closet, we would find bright shirts in every color imaginable, plaid, skinny jeans, and edgy hats and scarves. Someday she hopes to see these designs in her own clothing

“This is more fun – crazier than being a nurse.”


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