How to Do a Headstand | Teen Ink

How to Do a Headstand

February 12, 2024
By 4buzzell BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
4buzzell BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Head standing gives you the rush of your life,” says Elsa Piering, an eighteen-year-old high school student who has been doing headstands since she could walk. 

Finding a soft but stable surface is key, Piering explains. Next, you want to interlock your fingers and forearms on the surface to make a triangle shape. You want to place your head in the triangle and lift your knees to balance on your feet. Then bring your feet up and kick your legs straight. Don’t forget to point your toes, as it completes the aesthetic of the headstand and is “the best part” according to Piering. While completing the headstand remember to be safe and cautious, as it can be a dangerous activity without the proper experience that Piering has. For Piering, doing headstands is like riding a bike. She did gymnastics for several years and has been doing headstands since childhood so she is accustomed to this activity.

Head standing, especially for many adults, is a challenging task. It is much easier for a child to do headstands than an adult or someone who hasn’t attempted it in years because it is a physically demanding task that requires both balance and strength. Therefore, it is necessary to stay safe when trying to complete a headstand. When trying to attempt a headstand it would be helpful to work with a spotter or on a wall and have a safe cushioned place around you. 

Standing on your head may seem like a simple, meaningless, childish task, but with the right form and proper execution, a headstand is not only exhilarating but also benefits the body. According to Healthline, headstands help to calm the mind, alleviate stress, strengthen the body, enhance lung capacity, and boost digestion. 

Try a headstand. It might be a difficult task at first, but it is an enjoyable activity at any age. As Piering says, “It brings back the innocence of childhood” while positively impacting your body. 


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