A Mother’s Path | Teen Ink

A Mother’s Path

December 12, 2016
By Miranda727 BRONZE, LAS VEGAS, Nevada
Miranda727 BRONZE, LAS VEGAS, Nevada
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Working hard day through night
making her way home at midnight
Might not have stacks of money
but can provide food for her family

Her sons wake up at dawn
At the first glimmer of light and the aroma of her cooking
The food might not be preeminent
But she is thankful to her God for blessings
Another day, another meal
Everyday she is grateful for for the two sons she has
The strength that Her God provides to her

Before all her blessings
She went through hardship that change her life

She has gone through hell and back
A war that revolutionised her life
A time where people fought for what’s right
The government denying the ugly truth
11 years of age as she experiance bullets volitant through the wind
Mountains of body stack
youngest to oldest, from soldiers to a hard working man

As the war rage on for another decade
A decade of violence
People determined to sink the government

Not all of the war was a misery
A major moment knocked at her door
The birth of her 1st son
A moment of joy, a moment of bless

Just a decade later her 2nd gave his first gasp of air,
Of the new world he was brought upon

As time proceeded forward
A huge opportunity that transformed her life

Looking back to her past of suffering, hatred, and blessings
For the time has come to start a new story
Rising above the clouds, seeing her home fading
Start to get covered by the giant soft clouds
The place were laughs were made, tears were shed, and life was made

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