I Believe in My Mom | Teen Ink

I Believe in My Mom

February 12, 2016
By Justinblake1230 BRONZE, Ypsilanti, Michigan
Justinblake1230 BRONZE, Ypsilanti, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I could never imagine how hard mothers work for their families. The stress of having to provide and clothe your own kin is a challenge in itself. I don't have kids so i can't ever tell you how that works right now, but my mom does. Everyday i see how hard she works for me and my three siblings, and i admire everything about her.

When I was a child, every night, my mom would come into me and my brothers room to tuck us in and give us a kiss on our foreheads right before she sang You are My Sunshine. She would never miss a night either. Everytime she would sing “please don't take my sunshine away” I always teared up. Not of me getting taken away from my mom (although that would be pretty scary/sad) but if my mom was taken away from me. I couldn’t imagine a life without my mom. Nobody would be able to take her spot as my mom either. There just isn’t anyone who could keep our family of six together like she does.

For 15 years my mom has worked as a nurse at the University of Michigan hospital. She works with the elderly people in the hospital, and with the conditions and disabilities these people have, she tells about how stressful and hard the job truly is. One day she had came home with tears in her eyes, she dropped her bag at the door and went into her room. All you heard was her crying. Me and my sisters walked into the room and tried to comfort her the way she would if she saw us crying. She looked up and smiled at us while she shed a few more tears. "Why are you crying mom?" Asked my littlest sister, and my mom replied with "well I was crying because I had a hard day at work, but now I'm crying because I feel so loved and cared for. Thank you, all of you" Right then and there I almost teared up but I couldn't let my sisters see me cry so I held it in.

I believe in being someone people can look up to, like my mom.

Being as hard working and as strong as she is probably isn't possible. I guess you could say I'm a mama's boy, I wouldn't be hurt if you did. My mom is the highest influence I have and she always will be. My love for her is beyond words.  I believe in my mom.

The author's comments:

It was an assignment we did in my 4th hour. Some one had wrote on my paper that if i was to submit this to someone it would get published, lets hope they were right.

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