Hartland Fire Department | Teen Ink

Hartland Fire Department

January 16, 2015
By jlp247 GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
jlp247 GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

150 Lawn Street. This place is a hidden gem as precious as finding a lucky penny in the crevices of a weathered cement sidewalk. This hidden gem holds within its walls a bond between more than 50 members. This hidden gem protects a family that commits its time to serving the community. This is the Hartland Fire Department.

The structure. At the top, a line of bold red letters label the building. Its exterior embodies a clean cream color incorporated with specks of stone. Its interior squawks noises similar to a tornado warning siren. And garage doors experience sights of red and white flashing hues reflecting in their windows. 

The lucky penny. This place, a community treasure, was organized in November of 1893.  Historically, the department raised money in forms of dances, annual picnics, and donations. Their goal was to enrich the community with life saving equipment. As the years grew, the department became a governing body funded through the village. And in 1978, they welcomed emergency services (like EMTs’) into their home.

150 Lawn Street. Today, the volunteers make up a family that emits dedication into the air. A group of firefighters willing to run into a burning building...sacrificing their life to save another. They echo the fireman’s prayer. They respond to accidents, medical emergencies, and disasters. And they define a selfless group of human beings. This is the Hartland Fire Department.

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