The Supportive Mother | Teen Ink

The Supportive Mother

September 5, 2014
By Donuts100 BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
Donuts100 BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
¨I won't quit skateboarding until I am physically unable¨ -Tony Hawk

Everyday I see a 5’4 woman walking downstairs with pajamas on after a hard day of working at Vistar. ¨Life isn’t easy¨ is what she always tells me when I complain about anything I don’t want to do. EIther if it’s doing homework, or to cleaning my room I’ll still be complaining.  I can go talk to her about anything and she’ll understand how I feel when no one else can. For example, she’s always giving me advice on how I should prepare for contests whenever my dad thinks it’s a waste of time. She’s always motivating me to keep trying and not give up when I feel like I can’t do something. The most motivating, caring, and supportive person I’ll ever meet is my mom Cristela.


My mom moved from Mexico to the United States when she was only ten years old. She started working at the age of 13 at a dry cleaner. ¨Your grandpa’s salary was way to low so I had to help him by working and helping pay rent¨. After my mom graduated high school she took college courses for about a year. She took main courses like math, science and other original courses but couldn’t finish it because of my sister. Tahely my sister was then born which made my mom stop taking college courses so she could take care of her. My mom then started working at Vistar and became a counting supervisor after a ton of hard work since she didn’t finish college so it required a lot of practice to get where she is now. ¨Por eso ve a la escuela para que no estes como yo¨. My mother has been through a lot, but for her to be where she is now is outstanding.

My mother is the most supportive person I will ever meet. She is the reason that I’ve gone so far in skateboarding. It went from her buying me my first skateboard, to me getting sponsors in just 3 years. ¨If you want skateboarding to become a career for you you’re going to have to committed so skateboarding¨. Every single day she takes time out of her schedule to pick me up from the skatepark because she knows I’m tired. This behavior shows me that she truly care about me and knows I’m tired of all the hard work that day Whenever my skateboard is broken, she takes me to a skate shop so I can get a new skateboard. My mom goes to all my contests I do to show that she supports me, and even if I blow it she’ll tell me ¨Don’t worry you did great.¨ so it makes me feel better. She makes me keep going everyday, learning new tricks, and not giving up until I land it. My mom goes on business trips every once in a while and when she’s not home I think to myself what she would think if I quit on a trick, how she would feel. I know she’d feel disappointed in me knowing that I’m a quitter. I feel drops of sweat dripping down my face, keeping a trick going until I land it just so I know that she wouldn’t think she raised me as a quitter.

My mom also takes care of me whenever I’m hurt which shows she’s caring. For example on August 2nd I got 13 stitches on my head from skateboarding. Even though the bill was high she wasn’t mad because she proved how much she cared about me by staying home the day after and take care of me when she was supposed to be at work. ¨No estas bien, nada esta malo¨ is what she told me once she picked me up from the skatepark and took me to the hospital. Last year during summer I tore a ligament on my knee, and she took me to doctors which showed to me that she was caring. My mother always puts me before her plans or schedule whenever I need help which shows how much she really loves me. Overall, my mom is the most caring person that I need in my life.

Without my mom I don’t know where I would be in life. My mom is always supporting me with my dreams, and does her best to do whatever she can for me. She motivates me to get further with skateboarding, but also make sures that if I get hurt she takes care of me. My mother is my role model, keeping me trying and feeling like I can accomplish what I want. I know that without her I wouldn’t know on how to not give up.


The author's comments:

My mother inspired me to write this piece because she is my role model overall.

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on Sep. 18 2014 at 10:25 am
EmilytheBelleofA. DIAMOND, Athens, Georgia
81 articles 5 photos 1486 comments

Favorite Quote:
To love is to be vulnerable; Triumph is born out of struggle; We notice shadows most when they stand alone in the midst of overwhelming light.

I love it. Mothers are almost, always our role models. They're almost, always supportive and caring. ^_^ Mothers are the best. This is so inspiring and well-written. You have such a talent and greatness in you; I hope you know that. Thank you for sharing this. ^_^