Mom to the Rescue | Teen Ink

Mom to the Rescue

September 6, 2013
By Diana Guliyeva BRONZE, Round Lake, Illinois
Diana Guliyeva BRONZE, Round Lake, Illinois
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Crazy, loud, fun, and loving is only a few words that describe my hard working and wonderful mother. My mom is my rock. She has gone through so much and can still put a roof over my head and food on the table.

When my sister and I were little, we lived in Russia with my mom and dad. My sister was always the quiet and polite one; while I was the excited and talkative one. We liked being different because we thought being the same was too boring. In 2001 we came to America. We didn't know any English, we didn't know anyone, and we didn't know where to live. My mom took a big step and got out of her comfort zone and started to ask people around to get a cab. Her golden curly hair, big brown eyes, skinny and tall body, and pale skin got one person's attention and was nice enough to get us a cab to go to this one place my moms friend told us to go to live at. It was a nice little apartment that had a park for my sister and I. My mom got a job as a hairdresser and worked the whole day. She would then come home and feed my sister, my dad, and I. After that, she would get us ready for school the next day. My mom did things that not most people can handle doing. That is why my mom has the strength of a superhero.

A few years later, my parents had gotten divorced in 2005. My mom took my sister and I to go find another place to live. This house was much bigger and better than what we lived in last time. I still live in this house and still love it from the moment I first saw it. Just the energy, the friendly neighbors, and the beautiful trees surrounding it made me feel right at home My mom was a divorced woman handling two children that didn’t understand what was going on. She enrolled us to a new school, still worked the whole day, and came home at night to cook and clean for us. As a kid, I had big dreams of becoming successful and doing something I would love, which was being an actress or go into business. My mom would always say to me,”The world is in your hands and no one can take that away from you”. She believed in me more than she believed in herself. And I always admired her for that.

In 2009, my mom found a wonderful guy. They dated for a couple years and got married in 2012. He is the best father figure I can ask for because he was there for me when my father wasn’t. He helped me with homework, asked me how my day was and most importantly, helped my family and I with struggles we couldn't face ourselves. He also makes my mom happier than I have ever seen her. He brought good in our lives and love in my moms heart. My mom deserves more than she gets because she does everything for my sister and I. She puts herself last just to make her kids happy and grow up successful. My mom provided us with everything we always wished to see a smile on our faces. She showed us to never take your life for granted and you should always be happy no matter what you're dealing with. My mom and I may not always agree, but we always meet each other halfway. Whenever I have crazy ideas to do something like go to Hawaii just for the weekend, I tell my mom for her to laugh and her famous quote she would say would be, “Diana, stop it.”. Whenever she says that, we just laugh right after because we can only wish we can do that. And that is why my mom amazes me so much.

My mom has done so many things for my sister and I. She took care of us and loved us and never wanted anything bad to happen to us. She has an amazing, uplifting, and bright personality that anyone can love. She can light up a room when she walks in. She gives my sister and I the best advice about boys, life, and school. She listens to us when we had a bad day. She gave us everything and I love her more than anything and anyone. For me, family is always first.

The author's comments:
My mom inspired me to write this because she always amazes me at what she does and I couldn't ask for a better mother, than my own.

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