"My Hero" | Teen Ink

"My Hero"

April 11, 2013
By imaramciver1 BRONZE, Bartlett, Tennessee
imaramciver1 BRONZE, Bartlett, Tennessee
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Perseverance, optimism, integrity, selflessness, and fortitude all exude one thing- the qualities of a hero. A hero not only embodies these qualities, but they shine through their actions on a regular basis and influence the people that surround them; that hero to me is my mother, Dr. Ericka Gunn-Hill.
Perseverance is one of the most important characteristics a person must have, especially a young woman. Our world is filled with racism, sexism, and other challenges, a woman can only make it through by being determined and persevering through any situation. Growing up in a rather underdeveloped area of California, my mother knew at a young age that she wanted to be a physician. My mother has influenced me simply from what she has had to personally overcome. At the age of 13, she watched her own mother undergo open-heart surgery. Seeing her mother so ill and facing her own mortality made her even more determined to do well in school and strive to reach her goal of becoming a doctor.

I was born while my mother was in medical school; however, that did not stop her from working toward her dream of becoming a doctor. Instead of giving up she stayed up long hours nurturing her newborn while studying for upcoming exams. My mother’s hard work throughout her career has taught me that education is one the most important things in this world.

In the past two years of my high school career I struggled with family and social issues that kept my focus elsewhere and not on my grades. Remembering how tough things were for my mother during that point in her life forced me to refocus on school by being more disciplined with my study habits and limiting my social activities. This first semester of my senior year, I am on the honor roll. My mother’s incredible amount of perseverance and fortitude has influenced me to be the best student that I can be.

Growing up, my mother was not able to attend the best schools, however she did not let that deter her dream of becoming a physician. She remained optimistic, faithful and focused in order to ensure her spot in the best college. Her family struggled at times and had to pull their money together and work overtime to help keep my mother in an expensive college that not only gave her a good education, but also empowered her and gave her a good foundation for the future. My mother’s life has been filled with many challenges. These challenges did not force her to quit but rather gave her the fortitude to reach her destiny. Her career has opened many educational doors for me that she was never able to take advantage of growing up. Knowing how difficult it was for my mother to attain the education she desired makes me work hard to make the best grades that I can and remain optimistic even through the difficult challenges that life brings my way.
As a physician my mother helps patients live healthier lives. She volunteers through church, community, and civic organizations to improve lives through literacy, feeding the homeless, and educating youth on life skills. This summer I traveled to New Orleans with People to People Ambassadors. We spent time cleaning up the city parks as well as painting the homes of victims of Hurricane Katrina. From this experience I gained the incredible joy of helping those less fortunate and working with a team of my peers from all over the nation. My mother’s outreach has not only enriched her own life but has inspired me to serve my community by volunteering my time and abilities at church and local outreach organizations.

The idea that all things are possible with determination and faith is a concept my mother has lived by her entire life. She has instilled these same qualities in me. I plan to use these qualities to pursue my goal of becoming a successful entrepreneur. Whenever I face a struggle in life, I will remember that hard work, determination and faith ensured the life we have today. From the influential markings of my mother I know the qualities of a hero and a strong individual; perseverance and fortitude through the difficult times, optimism when you don’t have the best opportunities, and the selflessness and integrity to help those who need you in life.

The author's comments:
My mother inspired this piece when I was asked to write a scholarship essay about an individual who has had some positive or negative influence in my life, and how that individual influences me in how I choose to live my life.

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