Follow the Leader | Teen Ink

Follow the Leader

March 7, 2013
By Anonymous

Since my first encounter with him, my brother Grant has been any easy person to follow and look up to, especially since he stands at over 6 feet tall. I have always seen him as a giant with short light-brown hair and blue eyes. For him, his clothing choices are very important because he says,” It tells you a lot about people,” which he says can also be said about physical characteristics. For example, if someone is physically strong, this can tell you that they are determined and are hard working. This is why he is careful about clothing choices and is enthusiastic about exercise. Everything I do, nearly mirror him. I have seen my brother as my role model for almost 16 years and would never picture him as anything less.

I respect my brother for many reasons one of which is that he is very brave and courageous. I remember driving down to Millikin University on moving day of his freshman year, a time I’m terrified for. We took two cars to fit all of his things and I was with my brother on the trip going there and I remember him being very calm and even a little bit excited. He was also making jokes and we had a great time. I was very surprised and happy that this was the case. I think that demonstrates a lot of bravery and I hope that I can act in the same way. Another example of him being courageous was when he began Drivers Education. The first time he practiced was in the parking lot of the College of Lake County. After about 30 minutes he wanted to try driving on the main roads. My father showed his bravery by letting him and as well me for being in the car when he did. He did a great job and really showed his willingness to try new things even aware of the consequences if something were to go wrong.

In addition to being brave, my brother is also very determined and committed to things that he cares about. He was in baseball when he was little for 3 years. He was also in Basketball for 3 years and Volleyball for 4 years. Now he, my dad, and I all love to play and practice golf extensively. This shows that he is very committed and determined to get better and succeed at things that he likes. As mentioned earlier, he also is enthusiastic about fitness. After much exercise, he is very fit and is proud of it. This is very hard to do and stay committed to it so the fact that he did is proof that he is very committed to things that enjoys doing.

My brother Grant has been my role model for my entire life and is someone that I very much look up to. He is someone who has taught me some of the things that I will always remember and life lessons that I will always live by. I am a near mirror image of him and I believe that this is a good thing. He has certain characteristics and qualities that I respect and hope I have. To sum it up, I’m amazed by him and will continue to be.

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