"That's my girl" | Teen Ink

"That's my girl"

March 1, 2013
By rosiefigueroa BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
rosiefigueroa BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Not only am I proud of all accomplishments you’ve made but also for all the hard work you put into everything you do.” One of the best feelings in the world is knowing your father is honored to have you as his daughter. With his warm beige skin, so delicate it gets sunburn easily and dark, thin hair you can practically see through it, I admire him. Some may portray my dad as “laid back” and “easy going.” What they don’t know is that my father is my hero and a person I am amazed by with such courage, determination, and strength.

My dad came from a poor family and lived a poor childhood, having to work in a farm, as young as 9. Having 6 brothers and 3 sisters, my dad and his older brothers had to drop out of school to help assist his family. My family and I know exceptionally well that my dad always wants the best for us and to have everything he wasn’t able to have as a child. My dad is a man who is determined to work hard so my family can have a great life.

My families support means a lot to me and my biggest supporter, who is not always there physically but mentally, is my dad. He encourages me in everything I do and the decisions I make, although he doesn’t always approve with some of the things I do. Even though sometimes I feel like I disappoint him of the mistakes I make. He has told me that it is part of being human, everyone makes mistakes and all we can do is learn from it.

I admire my dad for being a strong man inside and out. Although he doesn’t always convey how he feels, I know he loves us because of how hard he works to support us. My dad currently went through a time in his life where he needed us to be there for him, I had never perceived my dad in so much pain. I was a perfect opportunity to repay him for all he has done for us and help him get through it. My dad has such courage that makes me proud of the man he has become. He shows strength every day that he will recover and be back on his feet working hard as usual.

I genuinely appreciate everything my dad does for my family and most importantly, for being a father to me. Some people don’t always have that “father figure” and I am lucky that I do because truly I would not be the girl I am today without him and I don’t know what I would do if he was not in my life. My father is my hero with such courage, determination, and strength which amazes me and I hope to be just like him. Till this day, he always says “that’s my girl” when I do something that makes him proud.

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