My Grandfather, My Hero | Teen Ink

My Grandfather, My Hero

October 2, 2007
By Anonymous

Sometimes we watch our hero’s die and wonder, why them…
But maybe that’s what makes them our heroes.
Not because they died at an unfortunate time.
But because they lived every moment they could.
They have learned the potential of a second,
how every moment could be a lifetime memory,
that happiness truly is contagious,
and how the key to life isn’t its length, but its value.
People whose love in their hearts overflow the air in their lungs…
Those people, they deserve much better than earth.

Dedicated to my grandfather, Robert Saager.

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on Nov. 15 2019 at 1:28 pm
StoneOrca554373, Chicago, Illinois
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Favorite Quote:
“The future is meant for those who are willing to let go of the worst parts of the past.“
-Cory Taylor (Slipknot)

Respect to the people who lay their lives down for us and your grandfather.