Thank You Veterans | Teen Ink

Thank You Veterans

May 2, 2019
By Anonymous

Dear Wisconsin Vietnam Army Veteran,

The Star Spangled Banner has a line that you probably know very well: ...and the home of the brave. Whenever that line comes up, I think of all the people that have fought for our country. From the Americans in the Revolutionary War to those fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. And I also think of you. Thank you for your service to this country. The selflessness and bravery that you have demonstrated in your life is something that anyone can learn from and imitate.

It has been something on my bucket list to send a letter to a veteran. I have admired those because it takes guts and character to do so. My name is Elijah D. and I am seventeen years old right now. I can imagine that you were close to the age. Here’s me trying to figure out which college and then there’s you protecting our country. Learning the story of veterans such as you has taught me so much about not taking life for granted. I have three family members who have all been attached to the military one way or another and I find their sacrifice just outstanding.

Your service has inspired me to do something with my life. I want to do something that will make me feel like I have made this country better than how I’ll leave it. I have considered many different options for my life and one of them has been a mechanic in the army. I want to serve my country just as you did before me. It would be an honor and a privilege to do so.

If you do have the time and are able to do so, could you possible write back to me? I would really appreciate it but I fully understand if you are unable to.



The author's comments:

Thankful for our veterans.

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