Honor Flight | Teen Ink

Honor Flight

January 7, 2019
By fadoodle BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
fadoodle BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Wisconsin Veteran,


Hi, my name is Austin and i’m a 17 year old high school student. I appreciate everything that you have sacrificed for me and our country. I truly appreciate what you have done for our country. What you sacrificed takes a lot of courage and dedication. Fighting for our country’s freedom is an incredible sacrifice and I thank you for doing that.

Both of my grandparents were in the Marines so I understand your commitment and dedication. After fighting in vietnam my grandma is still involved with the military. She is a part of the American Legion and helps out with the military service funerals almost weekly. I really look up to my grandma as a role model, as she supports the past and present troops.

I hope to attend college after I graduate high school. I know that will be hard work and I look up to military service members for inspiration in knowing how to get through difficult challenges.



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