A Letter to a Veteran | Teen Ink

A Letter to a Veteran

January 7, 2019
By Anonymous

Dear Vietnam Veteran,

In the dictionary a hero is defined as “a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities”. I believe that this describes you. You fought with courage and strength for thousands of people. I heard that when you came home from war people did not admire or idealize you, but that is because they didn’t understand your courage, bravery, and honor. Your sacrifice for the south of vietnam was nothing less than courageous, that is a true hero. And that is why I want to thank you for your service.

I hope that this welcome home is better than the the welcome home you got when you came home from war. May your service be cherished and honored. May the arms of everyone be open as you come home.

When people say “Thank you for your service” they mean thank you for willingness to serve and that you stepped up to help others, they mean thank you for your courage, thank you for your bravery, and thank you for your strength and sacrifice. I am grateful that there are people like you who would sacrifice your life for people you do not know.

Welcome home!

I hope that your trip to DC was nothing less than amazing. I went to DC in 2015 for my eighth grade trip and was in awe after visiting all the monuments and memorials in your honor and other soldiers and veterans too. I remember all then names on the memorials and reading about it all.




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