Thank You | Teen Ink

Thank You

January 7, 2019
By 9cerny SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
9cerny SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments


Although I do not know you personally it’s an honor to say thank you. I can’t imagine the struggle you went through to serve your country and others. Your sacrifice has made my life possible. You’re a true role model and I look up to the strength all veterans have.

My name is Marcus and I am a senior this year. When I graduate I plan on going to work in the welding trade. I have welding classes at school where I can build tables, guitar racks, fireplaces or anything I want. I enjoy working with my hands and it’s something I have always loved. I am now realizing the difficulty you must have had to leave your home, family, and friends to go to war.

Two of my good friends served in the Afghanistan and Iraq Wars. And I thank them too for what they have given. They share amazing stories and I love listening to their trips overseas. When they came back it was hard for them but all the family friends really helped them out. We threw them a party to welcome them home. They were glad to be back at the house.

Welcome home and Thank you.


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