Letter to a Veteran | Teen Ink

Letter to a Veteran

January 7, 2019
By warhawk BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
warhawk BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Veteran,

Sacrifice. Sacrifice is the courage to give up the comforts of life, it’s the willingness to do something for someone else; not for yourself. In my eyes all veterans have sacrificed more than anyone can ever know. I thank you for all the sacrifices you have made.

My name is Kevin, I am a senior in High School, and I plan to go to college after I graduate. I’m sure you had great plans for your future after high school but had to postpone those dreams to fight in a war you agreed with or not. I couldn’t imagine leaving home, to go overseas and face an opponent making every stride to defeat us. I am grateful for the heroism and valor you showed while fighting for this great country.

I am writing to you because I was inspired by an Honor Flight video we watched in class and I have realized that many veterans had not received the welcome home they deserved after putting their life on the line. The video also reminded me of my trip to D.C. The monuments there are so powerful and I truly realized the enormity of the sacrifice you all made. I can’t imagine how meaningful they will be for you.

I hope that through this letter I was able to express the gratitude I feel towards you and all veterans for their service and sacrifice. Welcome Home.



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