Mail Call | Teen Ink

Mail Call

January 7, 2019
By 9hassler SILVER, Colgate, Wisconsin
9hassler SILVER, Colgate, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Wisconsin Veteran,

Welcome Home! I am greatly appreciative for your sacrifice and service of serving in the Vietnam War. I was lucky enough to be able to visit the Washington D.C when I was thirteen. Being able to see all of the memorials for the soldiers the have served. The Vietnam War memorial was truly touching to see all of the names of the men and women who served and I’m honored to be able to be writing a letter to one of those men on the memorial

My name is Ashlyn H. I am a 17 year old senior. I cannot be more thankful for you and everyone else who took the sacrifice to serve. When my Grandpa was around my age, he was forced into the army right after high school and was drafted into infantry. In 1962 he was training in infantry then about three years after that he was dishonorably discharged and sent home. He has talked about his experience multiple times to not only me but my entire family too. I hope I will be able to hear your story too.

When I watched the clips from The Honor Flight Movie, it really changed my whole outlook on how veterans feel. Not all of you want to be shown recognition. “Thank you for your service,” or “Thank you for fighting for my freedom,” doesn’t really reflect on what you went through. Your “welcome home” wasn’t the same as the rest of the war veterans from years past. I am more than happy to give you the welcoming and gratitude of others that you are deserving of. So with that being said, Welcome home!

The author's comments:

This is my letter to a veteran.

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