Dear Vet | Teen Ink

Dear Vet

January 7, 2019
By Tennis02 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Tennis02 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Veteran,

The United States flag, The Stars and Stripes, and Old Glory. No matter the name, the flag means something different to every American. The flag  represents every person that has fought and put their life on the line for this country. Most people aren’t built for the military, they don't have the bravery and the strength to leave everything that they have known. I know that I couldn’t do that, I am not that strong.

I’m Maddie and I am 16, about the same age that you made the choice to go and serve your country, your people. There is not enough words in the to express how thankful I am for you and the sacrifice that you made at such a young age. You made the American Dream possible and so many take that for granted. Thank you for your bravery, thank you for strength and your kind heart. Risking everything to defend a country that is still very new to this world. Thank you for your serves.

One of my favorite parts about going to my grandparents house is hearing all of the stories that they told, both of my grandpas were in the military by eighteen, one of them was in the Army and the other was in the Air Force. My grandpa in the Army was all over Europe and Asia and I’m always so fascinated by the stories that he tells me.

No matter how your welcome home was after you returned from war, I am here to say thank for everything you have done for me and your country.  Thank you for your service and welcome home!



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