Thank You, Veteran | Teen Ink

Thank You, Veteran

January 7, 2019
By Anonymous

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Something that every veteran deserves to hear over and over, with the thank you becoming more meaningful each time. Your love for your country is unmatched, and no one is more deserving of this wonderful day, than you and those around you.

I am a senior in highschool, and looking forward to college next year. Fortunately, I am able to attend college thanks to you, and the amazing veterans who fought for my freedom. As I continue to grow up, I have always looked forward to working hard, and being able to support my future family. And because of you, I will be able to do that. Because you made this incredible sacrifice. As I continue to look forward to the future, I can’t help but think that when you looked towards your future when you were my age, your goals and aspirations were much different than mine and because of that, I am able to have the dreams I have.

Welcome home. Welcome home to the country that you risked your life for. Welcome home to the country that everyone is so thankful that you live in. I recently watched the Honor Flight Movie, and that broadened my knowledge of everything that you have went through. I can’t imagine the feeling of risking your life for those around you, and having people more mad at you than proud of you. I can proudly say, that I am so thankful for you. Thank you for your selfishness, bravery, and love for the best country in the world. I will forever be thankful for you.

God Bless America

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