Letter to a Veteran | Teen Ink

Letter to a Veteran

January 4, 2019
By kait2018 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
kait2018 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Vietnam Veteran,

Before last year, I knew about the Vietnam War, but I never knew what you and your fellow veterans really went through. That was up until I finally took the time to sit down with my grandfather and ask him questions about his experience in the Vietnam War. I was interested for hours as he spoke through all of his stories. The emotion in his voice was truly awakening. The tears forming at his eyes took me back. It was evident that these memories are always going to be apart of who he is today and in the future.

My name is Kaitlyn. I am a Senior in high school. I am getting ready to go off to college soon, and that can be scary to think about. There are going to be many new changes coming my way. When I think about you, I could never imagine going to war at my age. Being so young, I can imagine that you were never truly ready for what was about to come your way.  That must have been scary for you, and I will never understand that kind of fear. Your sacrifice and your bravery to fight for our country will always be beyond appreciated by me.

My grandfather was forced to dropout of college when he was drafted in the war. He was 21. It was his dream to graduate, but it never happened. He was so close, only one semester left until graduation. I would imagine that some of your life goals were put on hold as well, as you agreed to help your country. I know it was hard for you to leave your family behind for a little while. Many people in today’s generation could even picture doing what you had to do. With that, I want to personally thank you for putting your goals on hold, and thank you for being brave.

I have visited Washington DC myself a few years ago, and visited all the memorials that you have visited today. Those memorials were emotional for me, but they are especially emotional to anyone who has lived through the Vietnam War, like you. I have watched videos of Veterans telling their stories, tearing up because it hits so close to home because of my grandfather. I am grateful that the Honor Flight has taken you upon their trip today to remind you about all the good you did for this country. I hope this trip reminded you of your courage.

I know that my grandpa has never really felt like his service was appreciated. I know you felt the same way. It saddens me that our very own Veterans were treated this way. Today, you deserve a warm welcome home.

Welcome home Vietnam Veteran! Thank you for your service, sacrifice, and bravery. You are appreciated more than you know.

I would love to hear your stories and experiences if you are willing to share with me.



The author's comments:

I wrote this letter to a Veteran who will be attending an upcoming Honor Flight. 

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