Thank You, Veteran | Teen Ink

Thank You, Veteran

January 4, 2019
By Matt2018 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
Matt2018 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Veteran of Vietnam War

You are a part of the era that didn't have mobile phones. No emailing you had phones but you were so busy fighting you never got to communicate with your family and loved ones. So what did you rely on to talk to your family? It was the MAIL CALL!. You lived and breathed for these letters. The letters to maybe tell your wife is pregnant or you now have a kid. These are what kept you going and I hope this letter does the same.

My name is Matthew I am a student. I am 16 years old and graduation is coming very soon. After watching several videos about the honor flight it got me thinking. I want to do something that the people never did for you when you got home from the war. I know back in the day what you did for this country was never appreciated. They called you unspeakable things. I am here to say Thank You. Thank You For fighting for what was right and never giving up. Thank You for never letting those bad people get to you wanting you to stop and surrender. What would life be without people like you I can't even imagine.

I had a family member that was in World War II. I never really got to know him. When I was old enough to start remembering things and knowing what life was he passed away. It really frustrates me that I could never get to know him and know what he did. This Is why I want to learn about what it was like for you in war. So I leave you with this. I hope you had a great time at the memorials and everything in Washington D.C. Seeing that we really do show respect for what you did, it just took some time. Welcome Home, I hope to hear from you also enjoy your trip knowing you are truly an American Hero.  

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