Letter to a Veteran | Teen Ink

Letter to a Veteran

January 4, 2019
By womthedom SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
womthedom SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Veteran,

At the time of writing this, it is December 18th, 2018. My family and I are preparing for Christmas, with it being a week away. I’m also going to have a party with some friends on the weekend, to celebrate the break. These simple get-togethers really make my day, and cause me to grin just thinking about them. The fact that you were willing to give up these simple pleasures to help your country is the most courageous thing I’ve ever heard.

My name is Domenic, and I’m a high school junior right now, looking for colleges. When you were my age, you made the choice to risk your life to help our country and everyone in it instead of living a normal life. If I were to do that now, I’d be horrified. The amount of bravery that takes cannot be quantified, but you and all other veterans had the courage to step up to the challenge and face it head-on.

If you were drafted and didn’t want to go to war, I’d like to apologize if no one else has. Our country can be misguided at times, and could have cheated you out of the normal life you wanted. If that’s the case, though, don’t feel bad for wanting something simpler. The idea that you could have gone to war for a cause that you didn’t agree with, or you went to war even though you were terrified of that concept, it shows your grit and persistence.

I feel somewhat inadequate writing this letter to you now. I could never do what you did, and simply trying to connect with you on something that I wasn’t even alive for makes me feel dishonest. But assure me, with all my effort, I’d like to thank you for your service, and everything you did to make our country the way it is today. What you did will never be forgotten, no matter what.

The author's comments:

I wrote this letter to a veteran for an upcoming honor flight.

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