Thank You, Veteran | Teen Ink

Thank You, Veteran

January 4, 2019
By catk22 SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
catk22 SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live your life to the fullest, because this is the oldest you've ever been, the youngest you'll ever be again.
As you're killing time, time is killing you.

Dear World War II Veteran,

The Fourth of July is my favorite summer day. I wake up with such a great feeling. A feeling full of gratefulness, appreciation, and love. A day filled of remembrance for all the courageous soldiers who fought for us to have this wonderful day, infinite days. On this day, my little town of Stone Bank has a community parade. I have been in this parade since I was in daycare and I have looked forward to it every year since then. Riding in a float, blaring “God Bless America”, seeing the 3 jets flying low above the road in formation, all in celebration for the land that we love unconditionally.

My name is Caitlin, and I am a senior in high school. After watching the Honor Flight movie, I was sincerely touched. I can’t comprehend the amount of bravery that you have within you to risk your life for so many others. The courageousness you have, along with all of your soldier family, is overwhelming and extremely admirable. The respect I have for you and all those who have enlisted is infinite.

I come from a family filled with military. Both my grandfathers were in the Air Force, my cousin enlisted in the Marines, my brother enlisted in the Air Force to follow after my grandfather. My aunt is in the Army, my grandmother’s brother was in the Air Force, died as a P.O.W. I love hearing the stories about all they have been through and what their experiences were like. I can’t say I can imagine what you went through, because growing up in a “perfect world” with technology and safety and our side, it’s impossible to.

I want you to know that I am thankful for your sacrifices. There is nothing anyone could ever do to repay you for all that you have done, but we are so grateful for you. You are a role model for the younger generations below you and the future ones to come. I and my fellow Americans thank you for your graciousness and selflessness, and your sacrifices you made for us to call America our home.

I hope you had an amazing trip in D.C., and it was a true honor to be able to write a letter to you.

God Bless you, and welcome Home.

With love,


The author's comments:

I wrote this to a veteran on an upcoming Honor Flight.

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