Letter to a Veteran | Teen Ink

Letter to a Veteran

January 4, 2019
By 0riphenburg SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
0riphenburg SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Vietnam Veteran,

The bravery, strength, and courage it takes to fight in a war is second to none. So many people have respect for what you have done for this country including myself. For everything that you have done as a Soldier and as a person I want to thank you. After watching the Honor Flight movie my feelings towards veterans grew even stronger, seeing how powerful a simple sincere letter of thanks can affect a Veteran makes me feel so honored to write to a true hero. My Uncle was in the Army and Grandfather was in the Air Force, hearing their stories and what they had to go through influenced me greatly.

I am a junior in high school, My name is Brady and I am about a year and a half away from graduation and hopefully to college. Some future plans/ goals I have is to play football in college, that was been a dream of mine ever since I laced up my cleats and started learning the game. I am realizing how difficult it would have been to leave your life at home with your family and friends and go to a foreign place and fight in a war.


You are a role model to me and our younger generation, and what you have done for this country is unbelievable. I wish i could say this to you in person but thank once again and welcome home from your trip. I am very grateful for the sacrifices you have made for the American people.

God Bless and Welcome home!



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