Letter to a Veteran | Teen Ink

Letter to a Veteran

January 4, 2019
By Anonymous

Dear Honor Flight Veteran,

America is the home to hundreds of millions of lives, it is the home to those forever grateful for you. Provided what you offered to your country, we could never pay you what you deserve. I hope your coming home is as celebrated as it should be, and that you are able to find the solice you made possible for us. The U.S. should be as much of a home to you as you’ve made it for us. Now during the holidays especially, may you have time to spend and appreciate with your family.

My grandpa was a weapons engineer in Taiwan and he’s the first person I look to when I need a hand or advice. I’ve learned some of the most valuable things i’ve heard from him and his friends. We are beyond lucky to have you veterans, and the knowledge you share. Some people could spend a lifetime and not make a difference in the world, but that is something you, along with all other who served, will never have to think about that. The justice and influence given through your sacrifice has made the world a better and safer place.

Over three hundred million people undergo their own day in the worlds best country with each rising sun. None of us would be so fortunate without you having made the choice you made, a choice I’m not brave enough to make. Though I am able to make a choice because of what you did for our country, and I appreciate you for giving me that ability. I appreciate your bravery to travel abroad in the name of our country. I appreciate your dedication and time spent in service. I appreciate the life you allowed me to live. My gratitude for your life will never fade, and i’ll never stop loving and appreciating what you protected. Welcome home, and thank you for your service.

The author's comments:

Wrote this letter to a veteran going on an upcoming honor flight. 

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