Vietnam Veteran | Teen Ink

Vietnam Veteran

January 4, 2019
By EK0304 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
EK0304 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Vietnam Veteran,

I wanted to take a moment to properly thank you for your sacrifice and commitment in serving for this amazing country. The world is a better place because of people like you, who served for America in a time of need. If it had not been for your sacrifice and bravery, our lives would be completely changed. I wanted to take the chance to simply welcome you home!

My name is Elizabeth K. and I am a junior in high school. In eighth grade, I was fortunate enough to take a trip to the Capitol. Seeing all of the memorials for our soldiers and the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, were all around amazing experiences. I am so fortunate to have had this experience, and it is all thanks to you. Seeing all of the memorials led me to come to the realization of just how much you truly sacrificed. Being called upon at such a young age and answering that call to serve and fight for our freedom is something I am so grateful for.

Although you may not know much about me, I know you. You are the one I think about as I recite, “home of the brave” before each of my lacrosse games. You are the one I think about as my hand covers my heart every morning, as “with liberty and justice for all” has such a greater meaning to it. We are this nation because of the sacrifices that you have made. I can’t imagine sacrificing so much, and not getting a proper welcome home. Having to adapt back to civilian life after going through those experiences. A Brave, strong, soldier like you deserves so much more than than that. Everytime that the flag of the United States of America glides in the wind, I will be thinking of you. It takes emesis courage and sacrifice to do what you have done, and I couldn’t be more thankful.

Welcome home!




The author's comments:

This is a letter written to a Vietnam Veteran returning home on an Honor Flight.

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