Mail Call | Teen Ink

Mail Call

January 4, 2019
By P1zzaR0lls33 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
P1zzaR0lls33 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear veteran,

Welcome home! I found out about the Honor Flight through my school and I am blown away how amazing the program is. We don’t know each other but please accept my letter. Thank you for your service and sacrifice. You don't have to respond to this letter but I would really appreciate it.

I am thankful for you and every other war vet out there. I hope you had a great time in Washington D.C. How was the trip and what was your favorite part, did you enjoy seeing all of the monuments created after what you did for this country. How was the flight there and what was your favorite meal? You were willing to sacrifice your life to protect the lives in America. And I can’t thank you enough for that.

My name is Lucas and I am a high school senior. I don't think I would be ready to be drafted at my age into the military to go and fight. It’s crazy the amount of bravery and courage you must have to sacrifice yourself to the United States. Graduation is almost here and I wanted to go to college to become a commercial pilot. My great-grandfather was a WWII veteran but has passed away last year. I learned about his crazy stories and there was one where he almost got killed. Meaning that I would not have been alive today, same as the whole fathers side of my family. I'm sure you have crazy stories as well and that's why I can't imagine what other veterans have been through and I am so grateful for you.

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