Letter to a Veteran | Teen Ink

Letter to a Veteran

January 4, 2019
By bonehead44 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
bonehead44 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Vietnam Veteran,

With this letter I would like to show my thanks to what your have done for your country. I would like to show my thanks for the time you took out of your life to give it to future Americans. And I want to give your a proper “Welcome Home” to a true American Hero.

After I graduate I would like to go to college for a teaching and coaching. The fact that you didn’t have the chance go to college and went straight to serving your country side by side making friends and making the most of the situation you were in still shocks me.

I hope your day visiting the memorials gives you a realization of how much you truly are appreciated. I have also been to Washington DC and saw the memorials and after seeing all the names engraved into the concrete and having the possibility of reading yours I had such an immense feeling rushing through my body, tears filling up in my eyes, giving my respect to all those names. Also seeing the statues standing tall, it is how I view you, unbreakable.

Your first “Welcome Home” is nothing any of America’s Veterans should every go through, it should be a ceremony, not a riot. The ceremony that your will be going through as your land. With tears of joy, handshakes, hugs, “thanks for your service” being echoed throughout the airport. By the time you arrive home I would like you take from the day that 300 million people that live in the country, built by freedom which you were able to give, could never show the true amount of appreciation we have for you and your fellow Veterans.  

Thank you for all you have done, you have my all do respect.

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