Dear Vietnam Veteran | Teen Ink

Dear Vietnam Veteran

January 4, 2019
By abkles BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
abkles BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear vietnam veteran,

I am so thankful for everything you’ve done for the country and willing to give up your life just so ours could be better. Thank you for the bravery, thank you for the commitment, thank you for the freedom in the life I live everyday.

My name is Abby and i’m a junior. Today in class we watched the Mail Call movie and in inspired to to write to you. The movie was very touching and eye opening to what you’ve done for this country. Specifically in the video I saw how touching each monument really wass and much meaning they were ment. Also, for someone who has never been to D.C seeing these monuments for the first time one that specifically had a large impact on me was the vietnam memorial of the soldiers with the raincoats on. During middle school I had a teacher who was in the vietnam war and I remember him telling us all his stories and experiences from the war. I remember being so touched by everything he said. I am so honored and blessed to be able to have the opportunity to write to you.


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