America: the Privileged, the Free | Teen Ink

America: the Privileged, the Free

November 13, 2018
By gamoen GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
gamoen GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

America: the land of the free and the home of the brave––a place people desire to live, to raise their families, and to enjoy freedom.

America: the dream people around the world long for. The dream Mexicans and Guatemalans march toward––a dream so captivating people risk everything to achieve it.

America: the outcome of strength and perseverance. Extraordinary acts of the past––such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964–– give us an honorable life. Because of them, America is known for its freedom––a privilege cherished and respected.

America: the place where I am reminded of my freedoms. I remember the stories my grandfather told about his service in WWII, and how he spent weeks traveling overseas in the bottom of a cargo ship––for our country.

America: the sacrifice that heroic soldiers made for our freedom. These brave men have a powerful impact on all. I get the pleasure of welcoming home veterans from the Milwaukee Honor Flight––to my right is an appreciative little girl holding up a sign “My grandpa is my hero.”

America: the country of gratitude. We salute brave and courageous heroes. We praise soldiers who fought to preserve the Union––to those who fought in the Vietnam War in the late 1900’s.

America: the privileged. It is because of brave Americans that we all have rights. Supporting any politician, religion, or belief under the government are privileges our military has fought to maintain––they fought for us to have freedom of speech.

America: the land of the free and the home of the brave––the land where we can voice our opinions. America is the land where we remember and honor how this freedom came about.

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