Gratitude | Teen Ink


November 13, 2018
By EK0304 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
EK0304 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Arlington National Cemetery:

Headstones upon headstones of fallen soldiers date back to 1864. Over 400,000 men and women, about 25 added each day, rest together. A slight clicking sound emerged from the distance, echoing down the sidewalks. A horse drawn caisson came into sight, as the tour guide informed us this was a soldier of high rank. Not a single word escaped my mouth, as our hands made their way to cover our beating hearts, honoring his sacrifice. We are surrounded by thousands of brave soldiers who gave their lives to protect this country. The casket was slowly lowered followed by the 21 gun salute. Silence pierces our eardrums, as the chilling breeze trickles across my face. This scene exemplifies America’s fight for freedom.

Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport:

Trinkets and souvenirs line the hallways. The usual security lines, coffee shops, and restaurants bounce with bodies. This however, was the exact opposite—quick checking lines, empty tables and fresh coffee beans. The thought ran across my mind... Where is everyone? A distant roar grows. I speedly race over. Camera flashes and tears begin as the wheelchairs came into sight accompanied by those who are still able to walk. One simple motion, of rapidly bringing my hands together and letting them collide, left an everlasting sensation. The words escaping my mouth, “Thank you for your service” have never meant so much. Seeing the everlasting effects of missing limbs and fighting scars, all for our freedom.


I look back to these experiences, recalling the drastic difference between the two. I realize that soldiers proudly fought for our nation. They fought for our freedom to be ourselves. That’s what’s so amazing about our country. I thank and honor the men and women standing before me and the ones who have fallen. This is what freedom of speech means to me.

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