I Am Thankful for You | Teen Ink

I Am Thankful for You

November 13, 2018
By ahsballer25 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
ahsballer25 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As I walk into the front door to the hospital, I realized my time with my grandpa is coming to an end. Saddened by my grandfather’s situation, alzheimer's disease erased me from his memory entirely. My grandpa was never one to think about himself before others.

I thought visiting the holocaust museum would give me a good idea as to what my grandfather fought for. As I walk into the museum in Washington D.C., I see hundreds of people and I realize what I am here for and what these people had to go through. I felt as bitter as a frozen cranberry.   I was fortunate enough to be able to experience what happened during the Holocaust and the role that the U.S played in stopping it. I get a first hand example of what our men sign up and fight for. Seeing endless pictures of US troops out in Germany fight for their lives along with entire the other lives in diverse countries. The bravery of our troops saved countless countries, we would be in a different spot today if they did not fight for us.

Our troops have had to fight exceptionally hard for freedom. If our troops did not fight for us we might not have these rights. Thinking about this makes me both happy and sad. I am happy because these troops got what they deserved; freedom for their country. This saddens me because soldiers and people lost our lives doing the thing they took pride in, serving our country in war.

APPRECIATION; I am grateful for every single troop and person that has risked their own life for the rights that we take for granted today. I think a lot of the time, people forget how we got to the place we are today. People had to die and risk their life to forbetter our country and that is one reason why we need to be more grateful with our troops and remember them more often.

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