Sacrifices for Our Country | Teen Ink

Sacrifices for Our Country

November 13, 2018
By EH_19 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
EH_19 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Every Thanksgiving, I hear my uncle speak about how grateful and thankful he is for our country and the freedoms we have. “I’m so blessed and grateful for this country,” bellows my uncle.

Hearing about the sacrifices he made in the United states Marine Corps, makes me appreciate him, as well as the American soldiers who fight for our country. His most memorable stories include his time overseas in Okinawa, Japan, fighting for life, liberty and our freedom of speech.

His time with the United States Marine Corp and boot camp experiences defined who he became. During boot camp, he formed lifelong friendships. He learned about self-discipline and testing his limits. At times, he didn’t know if he was going to survive. Some days, he felt like giving up and quitting. But, he knew he had to continue on to make his family proud.

Over this past summer, at 50-years old, he went back to the United States Marine Corps station in San Diego, California. As soon as he got there, he had flashbacks, of the grueling training. He had tears streaming down his face, but at the same time, he was thankful for the friendships he made and his time in the service.

His service helped retain our freedom of speech.

As Thanksgiving begins, my emotions run high. I hear my uncle speak about how grateful and thankful he is for our country and our freedoms. “I’m so blessed and grateful for this country,” bellows my uncle.  

He has taught me about sacrifice and having a voice. As a young woman, I want to be heard and not ignored. I am proud that I am accepted for who I am and to be an American. This is why I’m thankful for our country and freedom of speech.

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