Thank You for Everything | Teen Ink

Thank You for Everything

February 27, 2018
By Sherlock_221b BRONZE, Skokie, Illinois
Sherlock_221b BRONZE, Skokie, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Ms. Doolas and Ms. Yasutake,

You both inspired me to want to make a difference, help people, and possibly go in to social work when I am older.  Both of you helped me so much recently and I want to do the same for other people.  You continually improve and continue helping me through what has proven one of the hardest parts of my life so far.

I admire you both for always leaving your door open and giving up so much of your free time for others.  You listen to people's problems, help them, and give advice, while expecting nothing in return.  Neither of you receive the thanks or appreciation you deserve.   Thinking of it now, I cannot remember a time where I thanked you.  So in case I never said it, thank you.

Lastly, I want to say how much I appreciate all the ways you help people, not only for me but other as well.  You comforted me and sat with me while I cried.  Thank you for letting me come to you if I ever need anything.


Thank you for everything,

Eva M.

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