Mrs. Persinger | Teen Ink

Mrs. Persinger

January 2, 2017
By madisonklosowski BRONZE, Hockessin, Delaware
madisonklosowski BRONZE, Hockessin, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I never felt more comfortable with a teacher than I did with Mrs. Persinger, my eighth grade English teacher at All Saints Catholic School. She is a confident teacher who will do anything to make sure her students strive for success. Her teaching abilities were above all others in my opinion. Mrs. Persinger’s preparation for high school has given me the ability to never over think my reasoning which has come in handy. Only knowing her personally for a short year, I can already say she has influenced my life.


Mrs. Persinger was never the type to hold back her feelings. Even with her students, she would  speak to us as if we were adults. I asked her questions about how the world has changed from her early years to the years I have been living. As a student, I expected her to tell me a short and sweet sentence that wouldn’t make me feel much better about my question. Her response was, “By the looks of it, the world has completely changed with the use of  technology being used to be cruel to others.”I was amazed at her response which told me the full truth about my society that I am living, which has given me a great amount of guidance through the complications that I have faced and will be facing in my many years of life.  From all my many talks with Mrs. Persinger, I am glad to say she has given me a new perspective on life. 


Mrs. Persinger’s ability to teach has taken my learning abilities to new heights. As a student, I had one weak subject which happened to be language arts, the class Mrs.Persinger taught. I felt lost and couldn’t find a way for myself to understand until Mrs. Persinger gave me one-on-one time which expanded my confidence from just one day of her help. It felt like she had magical powers that completely cleared my brain of everything I confused myself with. From that point on English was a breeze.


I knew eighth grade was going to be my last year with my closest friends. I felt heartbroken and unprepared for the next fours years of high school I was about to face. Mrs. Persinger told me, “You are going to meet people you love and people you hate. Once you find the group you feel absolutely comfortable with, spend your high school years with them. That’s at least what I did.” That quote has opened my horizon to going out of my comfort zone to meet new people. Mrs. Persinger was the only teacher who gave my class high school prep by loading us with tons of work that I disliked carrying out but now appreciate her reasoning for it. Now that I am a highschool student who is busy with school work, I am glad to say I had a teacher to encourage me to try harder in anything I do whether others like it or not.


Knowing I had her by my side to help with a subject I was struggling in or a personal problem was a great feeling. Most teachers aren’t the type to stay after school for hours helping a student or have deep conversations about situations in his/her personal life. The position she has put me in has never failed me in my subjects. All of our talks about society has definitely helped me to find the sunlight in a bad situation. Never has she once turned her head away from helping a student.  In my personal opinion, no teacher could ever replace Mrs. Persinger, so I nominate her for The Educator of the Year award.

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