Mr. Walker | Teen Ink

Mr. Walker

April 25, 2016
By sam.craven BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
sam.craven BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever had that one teacher that is better than the rest? Well I have; his name is Mr. Walker. He is our school's freshman civics teacher. I  actually come to his class and want to learn. For a teacher to actually make me want to learn is a big deal. Not only that but he is a great person to talk to if you ever need anything.
Speaking of him being a great person Mr. Walker is one of the nicest people I have ever met. He makes sure everyone is done copying the notes off the board before he goes on to the next slide; this is very important because I write slowly and he waits for me to finish. Mr. Walker also answers everyone's questions before moving on. He is so patient that he takes time to help others so that they understand everything. Mr. Walker is also funny because he always comments on things.
Furthermore, he is my favorite because of his teaching style. Even though we take a lot of notes, he also gives us a lot of breaks because taking notes isn't that fun. He also lets you come in before class or during study hall to study for the upcoming quiz or test with him. Not only that, but he makes a study guide for each test, this way you know everything that's going to be on it; therefore, you won’t be surprised when you get the test. He makes it so you can’t fail unless you don’t study. Mr. Walker doesn’t want us to do okay; he wants us to do our best, that’s why he gives us a long period to study for the test. He also usually sets one day for us to study as a whole class. We always get to watch a lot of videos and watch a lot of presidential debates which is fun. He brought in his sister once who is in the Marines and we got to talk to her and find out what it’s like to be a Marine.
Not only is he our civics teacher, but he is also our school’s lacrosse coach. Not only is he the lacrosse coach, but he is also really good at football. At a pep-rally he played football, and we saw him do really well; he was also very fast. It seems like Mr. Walker is good at almost everything he does.
That is why I nominate Mr. Walker for the Educator of the Year Award. He is a teacher who makes me want to learn, and he wants the best for us. He teaches way differently from other teachers; he give out intervals of work and breaks which is probably why I did so well in his class. I wish I still had his class because he taught it; I wish every teacher was like Mr. Walker.

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