Pat Kelly | Teen Ink

Pat Kelly

April 25, 2016
By c.villanueva26 BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
c.villanueva26 BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever wanted to know what a great coach is like?  Well, I will tell you why my wrestling coach is so great; and why I chose to nominate him.  I nominated him because he was one of the main facilitators, other than my dad, who opened my eyes to the sport of wrestling and made it enjoyable.

Since this was my first year wrestling, Coach Pat was great at teaching me the ins and outs of the sport.  Unfortunately, I had no idea about the sport or what to do, and he was the lucky one that had to teach me from scratch.  He taught me wrestling moves; some that were more difficult than others, for example, the stand up. He told me to “never give up no matter how difficult it gets.” He is a great motivator, and he instills confidence in his team. He has told me after practice that “I could do anything I put my mind to as long as I work hard.”

The second reason why I chose Coach Pat was because he is a good role model to me. I think he is a good role model because he would never get really mad if I lost a match and he would help me the next practice. Also I think he was a good role model is because he never took excuses from anyone. Also he would help me get better.


Finally, Coach Pat made practices enjoyable; we were working hard, but we were also having a good time doing it. We would play different games the final thirty minutes of practice, for example shoelace tag or shirt tag. He would keep us amused with his great sense of humor, but we all knew when it was time to get serious.

In my opinion, this is what makes up an excellent coach and leader; reasons why I nominate him. Also he was funny and made practice fun for me. Another reason why I nominated him was because he made me enjoy the sport.

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