Pastor Scott Oelhafen | Teen Ink

Pastor Scott Oelhafen

April 19, 2016
By andi.eckl GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
andi.eckl GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
19 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My parents got divorced when I was just a baby. And after a while, my father left the picture altogether. He told me,“I’ll be there every step of the way.” He said, “you can always count on me.” “I’ll have your back,” he claimed. For a while, he was. I could. And he did. Right up until the time when  he wasn’t. I couldn’t. And he didn’t.

With a fate of darkness, he left me. Although, I was determined to see the light. I wouldn’t allow him to ruin me. So I started digging and struck gold: religion. We’ve always been a religious family. We pray before our toes touch the hardwood in the morning, before our food delights our tongues before meals, and before our tired bodies fall into the sheets before bed. But we didn’t go to church.

I knew if I wanted to celebrate in the sunshine, more commonly known as ‘life,’ I needed to start.

I went with my grandma and stumbled along this new process. Yet still, I didn’t know how this whole church thing worked. I wondered, is it too late for me? Will they know I’ve never done this before? Oh god, I mean gosh, how do I read this beast they call a hymnal?! Oh god...GOSH.

Then a miracle happened. My brother and I were welcomed with warm arms by someone we didn’t yet know would change the course of our lives.

Blissed was the voicemail of my grandmother’s home phone. We heard the following: “Hi Holly, it’s Pastor Scott Oelhafen! I hope your day has been blessed thus far. I just wanted to give you a call to ask about Jordan and Andi. I’ve noticed they’ve been coming to church a lot lately and I wanted to get in touch with you about a possible confirmation. Give me a call when you get the chance, thanks!.”

Confirmation? Is that when you go up and they put crackers and wine in your mouth? I was honored by his offer, but I didn’t know the first thing about what that even was, much less what it meant for me, spiritually. So I talked to my grandma, the most religious woman I know, she provided clarity. Being that we attend Trinity Lutheran, in order to get confirmed we would go to a Bible Interpretation Class or BIC. We agreed.

Although, BIC classes already began about a month before and they had a while to go. So Pastor O, this compassionate soul, gave us a private class. We met once a week and talked for HOURS. felt like 20 minutes. This intelligent and intriguing man managed to say so much, but every syllable that slipped his lips fell right into the files of my brain marked ‘important.’

I’ve never been more thankful for anything in this world than running into Pastor O at such a brilliant time. When I desperately needed a hand, he lended one. He is the father figure that stepped in when our biological father stepped down. Pastor O has kids of his own, but he treats everyone as family.

When he is preaching and looks out into the pews, he tries to make eye contact with everyone. Not to see if they are dozing off at 8:15 AM Sunday morning but to smile. Pastor O is the smiliest person I’ve ever met -- and before BIC class, I wondered if it was an act to lure people into church. But after we began to know this man, we knew that he is just so genuinely happy to be at church every Sunday morning preaching the Word to all those who will listen.

Never have I felt such comfort from anyone else speaking about topics that are hard to talk about. My father left us. But speaking to Pastor O, he listens and replies without judgement, without bias, without stereotypes or assumptions. He knows what to do. He taught us what to do. “Speak to Him, for He is the best listener.” But if we’re talking earthly bodies, I’d without a doubt say Pastor O is on top of my list. Not just for the tough topics, but also to share successes and achievements. This warmhearted pastor’s affection and care radiates around all those who’ve crossed paths with him. Thinking of all the enlightening knowledge I’ve been given by Pastor O, I get excited to slip on my frilly socks Sunday mornings, sing those (not so) beastly hymnals, and pray, “may God bless our service.” Without Pastor O, I wouldn’t be the person I am today. And that is why he’s deserving of the educator that changed my life.

The author's comments:

My pastor inspired me to be a better person -- I wanted to thank him for it.

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This article has 1 comment.

on May. 14 2016 at 9:05 am
ambivalent SILVER, West Bend, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 180 comments

Favorite Quote:
everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. the worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt. [sylvia plath]

Honestly had to look up your church because I was so curious. I think my grade school was in the same federation :)