Educator | Teen Ink


April 18, 2016
By Anonymous

Starting out my Junior Year of high school I didn't know what to expect from the new environment I had to learn. My first class that I had was Auto Tech with Mr. Varrelman. When I got to the class I saw Mr. Varrelman he was an old man with gray hair and a blue lab coat. By the look of him, I was thinking that this class would be my least favorite class for the year. Little did I know that I was completely wrong.
Within the first week of his class, we only knew the basics like checking the fluids on the vehicle. But somehow he made it exciting to learn even though it was basic information. His way of teaching is to not bore the kids but to make it fun by telling jokes and making it interesting.
Walking into his class every day helps put a smile on you face even if you're having a bad day. Being surrounded by friends makes this class one of my favorites. In the class, Mr. Varrelman tells us stories about his time as a mechanic. One of his stories is about how he lose some of his vision in one of his eyes. Even though that's a sad story he tells it in a way to make it light hearted and funny.
Overall Mr.Varrelman is my favorite teacher that I have had in highs school. His class was one of the only classes that I enjoyed and was excited to go to. As a Senior now I still have him as a teacher. After this year when I go to college I will miss having him as my teacher and having his class.

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