Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

October 7, 2015
By 6graffs GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
6graffs GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’ve tried all kinds of sports: volleyball, basketball, soccer, tennis...the list goes on and on. But after only the first day of track, and meeting one of the assistant coaches, Matt Hayes, I knew things were different because everything finally clicked.

Matt stands tall, with scruffy, red facial hair and a smile that shines as bright as the sun. He makes a great first impression, presenting himself with excitement. Also, he’s organized, making sure each and every athlete is where they’re supposed to be at all times.

In addition, Matt makes things fun. If the set is hard for the day, he will lift our spirits and encourage us. He never fails to find the bright side in any situation. Surprisingly, he can tell when each one of us isn’t trying our best and motivates us to push ourselves, knowing our abilities are much more.

Coaching is his part-time job, and outside of that, he is a groundskeeper at the zoo. However, Coach Hayes is so dedicated to helping each and every athlete, he refrains from talking about his personal life.

It isn’t always easy to find a coach during stressful track meets, but you can spot Coach Hayes’ blue backpack from miles and miles away--and this is one thing that will stick in my mind forever. To me, it represents comfort and reliability. The minute I spot it while walking onto the track, a feeling of relief flows through me. If you don’t know where to stand, how to pace yourself, or how many steps to take, he’s there to point you in the right direction.

After each of my races, he’s always at the finish line to tell me my time, congratulate me, and give me his signature high five. We chat about what I did well, how I can improve, and other helpful tips. In addition, he cracks jokes and takes away race jitters. For example, he once told us a joke, “You know which lane is always the best?…The one I’m in.” And of course we’d all laugh at his silliness. Since I had never done track before, this trait of his was especially beneficial to me. Adding humor to anything will instantly make it more fun. He’s taught me all I know about being successful and has been there to witness my best times.

Matt’s ambitious, entertaining, and passionate attitude is so infectious that I can’t help but be in a good mood when around him. I’d like to thank him for having such a positive effect on my life and for keeping me going. This is why I’m nominating Matt Hayes for educator of the year.

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