"Generous Johnson" | Teen Ink

"Generous Johnson"

April 21, 2015
By Jo'Tavia Norbert BRONZE, Houston, Texas
Jo'Tavia Norbert BRONZE, Houston, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Mr. Johnson is not the normal teacher that you would see around various schools; in fact, he’s opposite. He withstands negativity, and he always manages to crack a smile on some student’s face. He’s too irresistible when it comes to his witticism. Despite his humorous characteristics, Mr. Johnson is always determined to accomplish multiple goals. Although he shares a piece of his laughter, there is still a time to socialize, and there is a time to get down to work. “Let’s get it done”! He would strictly say. Mr. Johnson knew exactly what he wanted, and at his request, would always get it.
When tests come around the corner, Mr. Johnson always prepares us to the best of his ability. He does not lack being a professor, and as students, we admire the fact that he is concerned about our well-being. Mr. Johnson does not just want us to pass the assignments, however his desires for us are simple; to get commended performance. He wishes to push us even further, in order to reach that destination of becoming successful. Not only is that good coaching, yet extraordinary expertise.
“Wherever there is a wonderful teacher, there is even better sportsmanship”, I would say. Considering that he’s very supportive and caring, he deserves so much gratitude. As a student, I honestly believe that Mr. Johnson is beyond the greatest teacher in the world! MacArthur High School owes it to him. I couldn’t think of anyone else that could do this occupation as well as Mr. Johnson!

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