Mrs. Rosaio | Teen Ink

Mrs. Rosaio

April 5, 2014
By Anonymous

"Another boring year of science". That was the first thing that went through my head as I
walked into Mrs. Rosaios room in 8th grade. Although during the first weeks of school there was nothing special to me about her class. But I will always remember how every Monday no matter what day it was she was always nice and never made the class boring

I always looked forward to going to Mrs. Rosaios class. Her way of teaching compared to any other teacher I've ever had for some reason I never fell behind in her class. It want an easy class but the way she taught she made sure that everyone understood what she was
teaching before moving on.

Not only was Mrs. Rosaio a great teacher she also had a good relationship with me making sure I stayed on track in her class. She helped me by staying after school when I missed work or needed help with anything. Even it was for another class she would let students stay after school in her room for help with anything.

Mrs. Rosaio was the nicest teacher I had ever met. She would give kids money for
lunch at school when they didn't bring money. I even remember one time she paid for a kids field trip.
She was nice but she made sure we weren't lazy in her class to so we couldn't get away with anything.

Mrs. Rosaio was a very concerned person towards her students. She would always make sure everything is all right and that you’re doing well in school, not just her class. If we didn't turn something in she would ask if you didn't do it or if you didn’t understand the
assignment. She showed concern towards anything even if it wasn't science related.

That's why I think Mrs. Rosaio is such a good teacher. She didn’t just teach the class and move on. She cared about her students and made sure we kept up. She made sure we
were ready for next year in high school. And I think she did a great job in doing that.

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