Mrs. Carnell | Teen Ink

Mrs. Carnell

November 17, 2008
By Anonymous

I have had my fair share of likeable, well-educated English teachers. I have also had ones who have made class so monotonous, I just could not take it. There are many opinions floating around about English class. There are some kids who seem to despise it. There are even days when my opinion is up in the air. Really, it could be up or down. However, freshman year, English 9 was one of the greatest English class experiences ever.
It was my first day at Arrowhead, and my first English class as well. Upon entering the room, I was immediately greeted by a pleasant, “hello.”
There was a fair share of fun, wild, and rowdy kids in my class. It was almost mind-boggling how Mrs. Carnell kept the class totally functional without being identified as a “Negative Nancy.” Not only that, but she also had the perfect formula for teaching. She taught everything she needed to and time flew. The only thing she could not manipulate into a fun activity was the final exam.
Mrs. Carnell was always in a terrific mood. Mrs. Carnell also was caught up on current events. She would always initiate conversations with the students.
I nominate Mrs. Carnell for educator of the year because she truly deserves it for her dedication to her students and Arrowhead High School. I look forward to attending her Advanced Composition classes next semester.

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