Teen Ink Educator of the Year : Coach Josh Peters | Teen Ink

Teen Ink Educator of the Year : Coach Josh Peters

October 25, 2013
By Djuandre BRONZE, Lapine, Alabama
Djuandre BRONZE, Lapine, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Coach Josh Peters is one of the coolest teacher here at Highland Home School. First off, he is calm and laid back and he really don't let much get to him. Also, he has a wife and two kids that he will do anything for. Last but not least he is a assistant Coach of the Highland Home Flying Squadron football team. Now I will began to tell you more about Coach Josh Peters.

First I like the way Coach Peters brings things to the table. What I mean by that is I like the way he teaches and break down different things. Also he helps us out with our work, he doesn't want us to fail. Next, of we are missing any assignments he let you make them up and turn it in. Last but not least I like how he put us in groups and let us work in groups to help each other with our work.

Coach Josh Peters has a lot of school spirit. He helps out with the football players, he is an assistant coach. Also,he helps out in the community whenever they need it. He loved all his football players he will do anything for them. He is loyal to everyone and does anything to help people out that's in need. There isn't much I can say about Coach Peters because he is an awesome young man.

Sometimes I stay after class for extra help. If you really need something you can ask Coach Peters he will give you his last. He does a lot for the school and put in effort towards anything he does. He also helps the class out and does anything to help his students to pass. Like I said before Coach Peters, I mean words can't really explain how Coach Peters is.

I feel that Coach Peters is the best teacher at Highland Home. What more can you say about him. I think he really loves teaching and being here. Also he is an excellent football coach but sometimes on the field he can be a little mean. But hey, that's a part of life so we have to deal with it.

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