My favorite teacher | Teen Ink

My favorite teacher

October 25, 2013
By Austin35 BRONZE, Hornoraville, Alabama
Austin35 BRONZE, Hornoraville, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Coach Doug is a great teacher. He teaches about the past, he also thought me stuff about the war my grandpaw was in. He teaches us about how important it was back then to be in the army. He teaches his students everything that was important back then. Coach Doug is my favorite teacher because he teaches me stuff that is important to know about the wars that took place.
Coach Doug is a very nice teacher. He teaches a way it is easy for you to learn history. He teaches lots of important stuff like the wars. He makes his class very easy for his students by the way he eh teaches. He helps his students get into college. He makes learning fun for his students.
Coach Doug is involved with a lot of school activities. He sells tattoos on Friday for football. He sells bracelets to help raise money for SGA. He helps you in every way possible that he can. He makes sure you pass his class. He also makes sure you pass all your other classes. He also helps put school spirit into the school by buying banners, sign for football, softball, baseball. He also buys sign for the school to show when the school was established. Couch Doug sells tattoos to help football or raise money for SGA. He also sells bracelets to raise money for SGA. He buys stuff for the school to help with school spirit. He makes his class fun by the way he teaches his class. He helps his students have fun and learn at the same time by his teaching. Coach Doug makes his class fun by the way he teaches his history.
Coach Doug is a fast teaching teacher. The way. He teaches his class he helps his students learn his class faster. He makes his students have fun. His students learn faster by the way he teaches. He teaches stuff one day then goes back over it the next day to make sure his students have learned it. Coach Doug is a fast efficient teacher that is why he is my favorite teacher.

The author's comments:
I play football and he is my coach

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